
Mcts bus pass
Mcts bus pass

mcts bus pass mcts bus pass

Group leaders should present their number to parking staff stationed at the pick/drop-off location when their entire group is present and accounted for.Buses may not pick up at the transit area or Left Field Gate area of American Family Field.For pick-up at the conclusion of the game, buses should utilize the drop-off location.The bus may conduct a U-turn and proceed back over Brewers Boulevard to the bus parking area, east of Brewers Boulevard and American Family Field, or may continue along the ring road toward the bus parking area. Bus drivers and group leaders will receive a number from parking staff. The drop-off area is on the west side of American Family Field.When you reach the end of the ramp, turn left at the traffic signal, and a parking attendant will assist you. Please enter the American Family Field lots by taking I-94 to Brewers Boulevard South, followed by the American Family Field exit, and stay in the left hand lane.Buses utilizing the special needs drop-off should adhere to the following guidelines: Only buses with senior citizens and/or persons with special needs are permitted to drop-off at a location other than the bus parking area, and only if they arrive at least one hour prior to game time.

Mcts bus pass